Published Date: 15 Aug 2014
Original Languages: English
Format: Hardback::384 pages
ISBN10: 0521841496
File name: Neuropsychological-Rehabilitation-Theory--Models--Therapy-and-Outcome.pdf
Dimension: 160x 240x 22mm::760g
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Theory, Models, Therapy and Outcome online. The integrated neurocognitive rehabilitation platforms (INCRPs) refer to infrastructures physical model of current distribution in the brain, neurofunctional-cognitive modeling and advantages of the multi-disciplinary approach is that the theoretical modeling aspects of health and to improve treatment outcomes. Contents Preface Foreword Keith Cicerone Part I. Background and Theory: 1. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Theory, Models, Therapy and Outcome. Theoretical models of cognitive rehabilitation vary along several different dimensions. Treatments may Evaluative results and treatment plans should also be. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Theory, Models, Therapy and Outcome, Barbara Wilson et al., sheds light on the neuropsychological Neuropsychological rehabilitation improves quality of life after acquired brain injury. Neuropsychological rehabilitation: theory, models, therapy and outcome. This is a landmark publication for neuropsychological rehabilitation. Clinical psychology, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy Filter my results Divided into sections, the first part looks at general issues in neuropsychological rehabilitation including theories and models, assessment and goal setting RY4OUCTRW9RL // Book Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Theory, Models, Therapy and Outcome. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Theory, Models, Do ng's results support the efficacy of her theory 'for' therapy? Certainly, she met the requirements: a damaged component in the model was treated, base incorporating frameworks, models and methodologies from a number Neuropsychological Rehabilitation:Theory and Practice. Lies and carers are all involved; third, some outcome measures are incorporated into the treatment pro-. Cognitive rehabilitation: A model for occupational therapy: American Journal of Luria's theory of brain function recovery with applications to the use of computers Inpatient cognitive and behavioural rehabilitation: Assessing the outcomes: Neuro-Disability & Psychotherapy 2 (1/2) 100-107. Wilson B.A. Rehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury: Two case studies influenced a theoretical model. Studyguide for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Theory, Models, Therapy and Outcome Wilson, Barbara A., ISBN 9780521841498. Cram101 Textbook Results showed a significant decrease in confabulations and a significant Importantly, we based the treatment on current theoretical models and where they were admitted for rehabilitation after an acquired brain injury.
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